Rosary Remnant is an apostolate over ten years in the making. It began while I was in college. I had been away from the Sacrament of Reconciliation for many years. After returning to confession, I felt a deep desire to know God in prayer. The Rosary was the vessel that took me into the ocean of God’s mystery. The love and truth that I encountered in praying the Rosary drove me to a renewed devotion to this ancient prayer. Not only did I want to pray the Rosary Mysteries with a greater depth of contemplation, but I also wanted to invite others on this sacred journey. As I began to recommend the Rosary to those I knew, led others in praying the Rosary, or organized Rosary processions, it became clear that having a rosary to give others unfamiliar with this devotion would only increase the chance of their enthusiastic acceptance of it.

There was a challenge, however. I was a broke college student at the time, and rosaries can be very expensive. I also found the molded plastic rosaries at the back of every church, all tangled up together in a basket, less-than appealing. A rosary ought to be beautiful to match the majesty of the Mysteries of the Gospel!

Thankfully, a wonderful compromised existed. Knotted twine rosaries were economical, costing less than seventy-five cents to make, with dozens of colors of twine available. These rosaries were also durable and not affected by water. I began making knotted twine rosaries in earnest, giving them as gifts, and using them as an evangelical tool. Many times I would sit on campus or in another public place and begin making a rosary. It wouldn’t be long before a complete stranger would walk up and ask what I was doing. It was an open invitation to share this devotion and the Good News that it contains.

As the years passed by, I was no longer a college student short on cash. I began expanding the materials I used to create rosaries. I have always loved the simple elegance of a wooden bead rosary on a twine cord, and so I began creating different versions of this style of rosary.

I dislike waste. Since the beginning of my rosary making, I have always saved left-over scraps of twine long enough to be used for something else. I also began accumulating a fair amount of misshapen, discolored, partially cracked, or defective beads. Something within me just couldn’t throw them in the trash. One day, I received in prayer the idea to create special rosaries from the rejected and leftover remnants I had collected from ten years of crafting rosaries. The remnants are symbolic of the many broken and rejected things in our lives. In the Gospels, Jesus collected the left over fragments of bread after the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves so that nothing would be wasted. He wants to do this also for every lost, broken and rejected thing in our lives. Rosary Remnant pays tribute to this.
There are three elements to Rosary Remnant:
  1. Promoting and teaching how to pray the Rosary
  2. Using the Mysteries as sources of cultural renewal
  3. Remnant Rosaries – Unique, traveling rosaries on mission made from remnant scraps. They have both a name and a story inspired by the Saints and are passed from person to person.

I hope this apostolate can be a source for a deeper devotion to the Holy Rosary. I would love to hear from you, and above all – Pray the Rosary!


Sincerely in Christ,

