“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”


Matthew 5:8

Inspiration for Philomena

Saint Philomena’s life and death are shrouded in mystery. Her name means “daughter of light.” She is thought to be a young virgin martyr in her early teens who lived during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, and who died in fidelity to her vow of virginity. She was beheaded by Diocletian after multiple other execution attempts failed because of angelic rescue and divine intercession. These failed attempts included being scourged, being drowned with an anchor tied to her neck, and being shot with arrows.


The sources of knowledge about her is limited to her bones and the artifacts found in her tomb, mystical visions, strong devotion to her by other saints – most notably Saint John Vianney – and many testimonies of miracles attributed to her heavenly intercession.

Philomena was the first Remnant Rosary I crafted. The parish that my wife and family call home has Saint Philomena as our heavenly patroness. The most pivotal moments of my life have occurred within the hallowed confines of these sanctuary walls. The small patch of ground in front of the altar has been the sacred space that my marriage vows were exchanged with my wife, where my firstborn son’s casket sat and his funeral took place, where my children were baptized, and where countless moments of Eucharistic worship have been offered.


It seemed fitting for the first Remnant Rosary to embody the extraordinary ordinariness of parish life. It is in parish life that millions upon millions of faithful Catholics live out the drama of their lives in a tangled web of mundane and climactic moments. Each person and each moment are so similar, yet intricately unique because of the Father’s love for us and His intimate concern for us and the daily events of our lives.

The Remnants

Philomena was crafted from left-over twine collected over years of making knotted twine rosaries. Her colors are those of royalty – purple, red, blue, silver, and gold. The purple and red colors pay tribute to Saint Philomena’s suffering and martyrdom for purity’s sake. The blue knots link Philomena to our Blessed Mother. The gold and silver knots, as well as the red enamel accents on the crucifix and blue enamel accent on the centerpiece reflect her royal heritage.

Philomena's Missionary Journey

Prayer Intentions for Philomena

Saint Philomena Parish and School in Peoria, IL

Protection, health, and well-being of infants and children

The conversion of the youth to the truths and mysteries of the Gospel

Renewed purity of heart in our culture so that we may see God once again


For the faithful remnant and the intentions of all who pray with Philomena

Particular prayer intentions of the individual praying with Philomena


Pray the Rosary using Philomena. Please pray the general prayer intentions listed above and include your own personal prayer intentions.


Check-in that you have prayed using Philomena. Be sure to include your name, where you live, and your personal prayer intentions you prayed during your Rosary with Philomena.

Pass Philomena On

Give Philomena to someone you know who will faithfully pray a Rosary with her. This will continue Philomena’s missionary journey to spread the Gospel and resurrect true culture!

Resize the map

For someone I know who needs a good friend…

For my God-son, Andrew Ernest Schone, and my other God-son, Parker Nenonen - that they both be preserved from all evil and brought to a high degree of holiness. For a great desire to work hard this summer and success to a couple of projects that I am responsible for that have a lot of moving parts. Finally for the health of my wife and for the safe delivery of our second child. May we and all who are dear to us have a very joy-filled and restful summer.…

RCIA Candidates being baptized and confirmed at St. Philomena Parish. -- April 15, 2017…